Real Dream Trips

Join any of our shared trips around Europe

Real Dream Trips

Choose Trip Mates

You and only you choose your tripmates according to your personality

Choose Trip Mates

Share Experiences

Meet new people and different cultures travelling with Xperience

Share Experiences

Save Money

Transport and hosting can be reduced by up to 45% if you travel in a group

Save Money

No Worries

Just enjoy the trip, Xperience does the rest!

No Worries

Activate your trip

Just benefits

Adventure begins

Activate your trip, it's free

Activate your trip, it's free
You choose the dates

You choose the dates

Accept travelers according to your profile

Accept travelers according to your profile
Cancel your trip without compromise

Cancel your trip without compromise

Take control

Our shared trips

Boost your experience

Live the city

Discover unknown places

With local hosts